Zine Making

A mini zine titled 'Rhinologists don't study rhinos' with a picture of a rhino. Behind the zine is a desk covered in making debris

I’m fascinated by the possibilities that zines (informal pamphlets or leaflets / mini magazines) offer for communication and engagement.

I’ve previously run zine-making workshops in a range of settings online and in person, and I also offer Zine Making for Engagement as a training session for researchers and other professionals. You can also commission me to design zines! Scroll down for some of my favorite zine-making projects:

A booklet titled 'Your Pain Through Story' above a logo for the Manchester Digital Pain Manikin. Subtitled 'A zine exploring patients' experiences of pain and using the Manchester Digitial Pain Manikin' The page is bordered by clippings from pages

Your Pain Through Story

I worked with Anna Ploszajski and researchers working on the Manchester Digital Pain Manikin to run a storytelling and zine-making workshop for chronic pain patients. I then compiled their pages into a zine which was distributed to patients.

A table covered in zine making materials, zines and pronoun badges

Zines & comedy

Cerys Bradley and I co-ran workshops to produce two zines which accompanied their shows at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2022 and 2023. Find out more at: