Queer Cuz

Social media banner and profiles for the podcast Queer Cuz

'Queer Cuz' above four illustrations of people
An illustration of a person with purple hair and fair skin wearing a black hat, purple galaxy dungarees and a  a white t-shirt. Next to this is text and the background is the ace flag at an angle.  .
An illustration of a person with dark hair and light brown skin wearing a grey Pride t-shirt and a frog hat.. Next to this is text and the background is the Philadelphia flag at an angle.  .
An illustration of a person with light brown skin, blue hair and glasses wearing a off centre small top-hat, a bow tie, waistcoat and shirt with flowing sleeves.. Next to this is text and the background is the non-binary flag at an angle.  .
An illustration of a person with fair skin and rainbow hair with leaves sprouting above their head and a black t-shirt.. Next to this is text and the background is the pan flag at an angle.  .